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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Check and recover damaged objects
1. Display the QHST (history) log by typing DSPLOG and pressing F4 (Prompt).
2. On the prompt display, fill in a starting date and time to limit the number of entries you see.
3. On the display, fill in *PRINT for the Output prompt and press the Enter key.
4. Type: WRKSPLF. You are shown a list of spooled files for your job.
5. Locate the spooled file for the DSPLOG command. Use option 3 to hold the spooled file.
6. Use option 5 to display the spooled file.
7. Look for entries for damaged objects and files that are not synchronized. You can use the Find function to search for lines that have these character strings: damage and sync. Following are some examples of messages you might see:
CPF3113 Member damaged
CPF3175 File is not synchronized
CPF3176 Data space is partially damaged
CPF3171 Journal is damaged
CPF3172 Objects are not synchronized with the journal
CPF3173 Journal receiver is damaged
CPF3174 Journal receiver is partially damaged
CPF81xx General messages about object damage
8. Write down the names and types of the objects you find. Consult the table below for the correct recovery procedure, based on the type of object that is damaged.
Type of Object -
Operating system object in QSYS library Advice - Contact software support for assistance. You may need to install the operating system again.
Type of object - IBM-supplied user profile. Advice - Perform an abbreviated installation of the operating system.
Type of object - Job description that is specified on the workstation entry for the console in the controlling subsystem. Advice - If no other workstation entries exist for the controlling subsystem, the system is not useable. Contact software support for assistance.
Type of object - Job queue Advice - Perform an IPL. Restore or re-create the damaged job queue. All entries are lost.
Type of object - Output queue Advice - Perform an IPL. If the output queue is the default output queue for a printer, it is re-created and it's entries are rebuilt. Other output queues must be restored or re-created. Their entries are not recovered.
Type of object - Damaged file whose name starts with QAOSS* Advice - Delete the file. Restore it from a backup copy. Run the RCLDLO DLO(*DOCDTL) command.
Type of object - Database file Advice - Performing a special IPL during which the system analyzes every disk segment for parts of database objects can recover some types of object-level damage to database files. Following are examples of object-level damage:
Lost pointers between the index (access path) and the data.
Unidentified objects on the object recovery list.
If you are experiencing problems with database files, you can display the Licensed Internal Code log to determine whether a special IPL may resolve the problems.
Note: You must have *SERVICE special authority to perform the tasks that are described in this topic.
Do the following:
1. Type STRSST and press the Enter key. You are shown the System Service Tools (SST) menu. 2. Select option 1 (Start a service tool). You are shown the Start a Service Tool display.
3. Select option 5 (Licensed Internal Code log). You are shown the Licensed Internal Code Log display.
4. Select option 1 (Select entries from the Licensed Internal Code log). You are shown the Specify Licensed Internal Code Log Selection Values display.
5. Type 0600 for the Major code prompt.
6. Type 145F for the Minor code prompt.
7. For the starting date and time, enter values that approximate when you first started to have problems.
8.For the ending date and time, enter the current date and time.
9. Press the Enter key. If any errors have been recorded that may be resolved by a special IPL, you are shown a list of the entries. Otherwise, you receive a message that no log entries matched your criteria.
If you have log entries that suggest a special IPL, you need to schedule a time for this IPL. It may take many hours for the system to analyze all the disk segments. As a rough estimate, the analysis phase of the IPL will take approximately 1 second for each object on your system.
When you are ready to perform the IPL, do the following:
1. Place your system in a restricted state. See "Putting Your System in a Restricted State" in topic 3.1.4.
2. Type STRSST and press the Enter key. You are shown the System Service Tools (SST) menu.
3. Select option 1 (Start a service tool). You are shown the Start a Service Tool display.
4. Select option 4 (Display/Alter/Dump). You are shown the Display/Alter/Dump Output Device display.
5. Select option 1 (Display/Alter storage). You are shown the Select Data display.
6. Select option 5 (Starting address). You are shown the Specify Starting Address display.
7. Type 000000000E 000000 for the address and press the Enter key. You are shown the Display Storage display.
8. On the third data line (offset 0020), type 8 in the first character. Press F11 (Alter storage) to make the change take affect.
9. Press F3 until you return to the Exit System Service Tools display.
10. Press the Enter key (continue ending SST).
11. On the command line, type PWRDWNSYS OPTION(*IMMED) RESTART(*YES)
This causes the system to begin the special IPL.
Attention logical partitioning users! If you are going to use this command on the primary partition, be sure to power off all secondary partitions before running the command.
Type of object - Journal Advice - Note: The following steps only apply to recovering a damaged local journal.
Do the following:
1. Type WRKJRN.
2. On the prompt display, type the name of the journal. You are shown the Work with Journals display.
3. Select option 6 (Recover damaged journal).
4. Type: WRKJRNA JRN(library-name/journal-name) OUTPUT(*PRINT). You receive a listing that shows all the physical files and access paths that are currently being journaled.
5. Start journaling for any physical files that should be journaled but are not on the list by using the STRJRNPF command.
6. Start journaling for any access paths that should be journaled but are not on the list by using the STRJRNAP command.
7. If you previously had any remote journals that were associated with the damaged journal, add those remote journals again. You can add the remote journals by using the Add Remote Journal(QjoAddRemoteJournal) API or the Add Remote Journal (ADDRMTJRN) command.
8. Save each journal, physical file, and access path. You should always save files after you start journaling them.
Type of object - Journal receiver Advice - Note: The following steps only apply to recovering a damaged journal receiver that was attached to a local journal.
Do the following:
1. Type WRKJRN.
2. On the prompt display, type the name of the journal that is associated with the damaged journal receiver. You are shown the Work with Journals display.
3. Select option 7 (Recover damaged journal receivers).
Type of object - Journaled file Advice - for a journaled file that is damaged, do the following:
1. Find your most recent saved copy of the file.
2. Delete the file.
3. Load the save media and restore the file. Type:
RSTOBJ OBJ(object-name) OBJTYPE(*FILE) SAVLIB(library-name) DEV(media-device-name)
4. Restore any journal receivers that are needed to recover the file, if they are not already on the system.
5. Use the APYJRNCHG command to apply journaled changes.
Do the following for a journaled file that could not be synchronized:
1. Restore the file from your most recent saved copy.
2. Apply journaled changes to bring the file up to date.
Note: You may need to perform this procedure for all the files if there are other files related to the file that is not synchronized. Otherwise, the files may not be synchronized with each other.
Type of object - All others Advice - use the following procedure to recover most damaged objects on the system.
1. Find your most recent saved copy of the damaged object.
Note: If the damaged object is in the QSYS library, you may need to restore the operating system. Contact software support for assistance.
2. Delete the object.
3. Load the save media and restore the object. Type:
RSTOBJ OBJ(object-name) OBJTYPE(object-type) SAVLIB(library-name) DEV(media-device-name)
9. Watch for additional indications that objects have been damaged. Some indications are:
You cannot start the system because auxiliary storage is full.
The system has ended abnormally several times since the last time you ran the Reclaim Storage(RCLSTG) procedure.
You see objects on the Work with Objects by Owner display that have no library associated with them.
The system status display shows an unexpectedly high percentage of auxiliary storage that is used.
You cannot access the data in a database file because a member is damaged. Message CPF8113 indicates this.
You cannot access objects because a damaged authorization list or authority holder secures them.
If you see these indications on your system, run the RCLSTG procedure.
If you see these indications after a disk unit was replaced and the data was restored from a partial pump, you should recover the entire ASP that contained the failed disk unit.
Code: CPF3113 - Member damaged
CPF3175 - File is not synchronized CPF3176 - Data space is partially damaged CPF3171 - Journal is damaged
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