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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Creating a Subsystem Description

You can create a subsystem description in two ways. You can copy an existing subsystem description and change it, or you can create an entirely new description. The following are two approaches you can use:

1. Copying an existing subsystem description
1. Create a duplicate object, CRTDUPOBJ, of an existing subsystem
description. (You can also use the WRKOBJ or WRKOBJPDM commands.)
2. Change the copy of the subsystem description.

2. Creating an entirely new subsystem description

1. Create a subsystem description (CRTSBSD).
2. Create a job description (CRTJOBD).
3. Add work entries to the subsystem description.

a. ADDWSE (Add workstation entry)
b. ADDJOBQE (Add job queue entry)
c. ADDCMNE (Add communications entry)
d. ADDAJE (Add autostart job entry)
e. ADDPJE (Add prestart job entry)

4. Create a class (CRTCLS).
5. Add routing entries to the subsystem description (ADDRTGE).

Starting a Subsystem

To start a subsystem, use the Start Subsystem (STRSBS) command or the Work with Subsystem Description (WRKSBSD) command. To use the STRSBS command, specify the following:

STRSBS SBSD (SBSD = library/subsystem description name)

For example

Ending a Subsystem

To end a subsystem:
1. Use the End Subsystem (ENDSBS) command ENDSBS SBS OPTION (SBS=the
active subsystem name)

For example

2. Specify, using an option, when you want the subsystem to end.
End the subsystem immediately. Use this option if there are no users on
the system and no batch jobs running.
Allow active jobs to end themselves (if they are checking to see if the
job is being ended). Use this option when users or batch jobs are running in the subsystems to ensure the jobs finish before the subsystem ends.

Deleting a Subsystem Description

To delete a subsystem description, use the Delete Subsystem Description (DLTSBSD) command. To use the DLTSBSD command, the subsystem cannot be active.

Active and Inactive Subsystems

An active subsystem is one that has been started, for example, with the Start Subsystem (STRSBS) command. An inactive subsystem is one that has been ended, for example, with the End Subsystem (ENDSBS) command or has not been started. You cannot remove pools from an active subsystem.

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